Big thanks to everyone!

So I want to share my thoughts on reaching the end of a huge project that was first conceived late 2013! When Helen Carter and I proposed an Anzac commemoration film to Louisa Guest and Sue Woollard; they gave their enthusiasm, leadership and full support for the project immediately and appreciated our vision of the film as an educational and community resource and future piece of history. That yes, the whole school could be included, that teachers would incorporate our suggested activities into their busy schedules. Our school families gladly signed the permission forms. Our brilliant teachers embraced our ideas with passion and developed their own innovative concepts. As we went along, the scenes I had in my head were fulfilled, many better than I had hoped for.

What I love about documentary filmmaking is the chance to learn about such a wide range of topics myself. But learning alongside the children added an extra layer of delight. At our school the students are respectful, cooperative, eager and imaginative; evidence of the positive culture at CLGPS that my own family has experienced for nearly nine years.

Thanks to our families and extended families for your involvement. Thanks to the Mitcham and Colonel Light Gardens and wider community for help and resources. Thanks to the wonderful teaching and support staff for assistance, patience, flexibility, originality and passion. Thanks again to Louisa and Sue for their hard work and support. Sue we will miss you. Massive thanks to Helen who kept me sane in the final few weeks and who has been a fantastic mentor to me for many years now. And finally thanks to our CLGPS students for being your lovely selves.

This is a project that we can all be proud of.

Linda Kennedy




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on “Big thanks to everyone!
5 Comments on “Big thanks to everyone!
  1. Your passion and commitment inspired the project, and I am sure enthused and motivated the teachers. As a parent, I looked forward to seeing the blog updates about the movie’s progress and was moved and educated the final product.

    Your film making talent is evident in the way that you pieced together hours of footage into a 30 minute movie that elaborated on a wide variety of the aspects of war whilst also showing the student’s learning, and respect for the ANZAC soldiers.

    I look forward to seeing more of your productions.

  2. An awesome effort. 1 year down to 30 mins. Well done. I also looked forward to the blog posts and really appreciated the work that was put in to record such an educational history piece. Thankyou

  3. Thank you for creating such a wonderful documentary. The kids learned so much about the war, and how it touched everyone’s lives.

  4. Many thanks for producing such a wonderful, engaging documentary. It brought so much understanding to the CLG children’s learning of World War 1 history through active inquiry & using a different medium.

  5. Linda,
    Beautiful images, music and poetry, how lucky we are to have someone as competent and creative as you are to drive such a fabulous project. Brilliant film, homage to your dedication as much as it is to the piece of history writ large. Brought tears to my eyes, well done!

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